Title: let's hack Google with Google Dorks: 40 Tools for Cyber Exploration

Welcome, cyber enthusiasts! Today, we're diving deep into the realm of Google Dorks – those magical strings of characters that unlock doors to hidden treasures and potential vulnerabilities across the web. As Prince Jain (CEH V12), certified by EC Council Mexico, and currently pursuing BCA with Cyber from Poornima University, Jaipur, I'm thrilled to guide you through 40 Google Dorks that will revolutionize your cybersecurity exploration. Let's embark on this journey together!

1. **General Dorks:**

    - `intitle:"Index of"`: Discover open directories and files.
    - `intitle:"Index of" site:example.com`: Narrow down your hunt to a specific website.
    - `filetype:log inurl:"access.log"`: Unveil log files with potential insights.
    - `filetype:sql inurl:wp-content/backup-*`: Hunt for WordPress backup files.
    - `intext:"Welcome to phpMyAdmin"`: Explore PhpMyAdmin installations.
    - `intitle:"Login — WordPress"`: Identify potential WordPress login pages.
    - `intext:"Powered by WordPress"`: Scout for WordPress-powered sites.

2. **Database-Related Dorks:**

    - `inurl:/phpmyadmin/index.php`: Uncover PhpMyAdmin installations.
    - `intext:"phpMyAdmin MySQL-Dump" filetype:sql`: Hunt for MySQL dumps.
    - `inurl:/db/websql/`: Explore WebSQL databases.
    - `inurl:/phpPgAdmin/index.php`: Discover PhpPgAdmin installations.
    - `intext:"phpPgAdmin — Login"`: Identify potential PhpPgAdmin login pages.

3. **Search for Vulnerabilities:**

    - `intext:"Error Message" intext:"MySQL server" intext:"on * using password:"`: Scout for potential MySQL vulnerabilities.
    - `intext:"Warning: mysql_connect()" intext:"on line" filetype:php`: Discover PHP error messages indicating potential vulnerabilities.

4. **Exposed Documents and Files:**

    - `filetype:pdf intitle:"Confidential"`: Find potentially sensitive PDF documents.
    - `filetype:doc intitle:"Confidential"`: Unveil potentially sensitive Word documents.
    - `filetype:xls intitle:"Confidential"`: Explore potentially sensitive Excel files.
    - `filetype:ppt intitle:"Confidential"`: Identify potentially sensitive PowerPoint presentations.

5. **Directory Listings:**

    - `intitle:"Index of" inurl:/parent-directory`: Explore parent directories.
    - `intitle:"Index of" inurl:/admin`: Uncover admin directories.
    - `intitle:"Index of" inurl:/backup`: Hunt for backup directories.
    - `intitle:"Index of" inurl:/config`: Explore configuration directories.
    - `intitle:"Index of" inurl:/logs`: Discover log directories.

6. **Exposed Webcams and Cameras:**

    - `inurl:"view/index.shtml"`: Peek into unsecured webcams.
    - `intitle:"Live View /-AXIS"`: Identify AXIS network cameras.
    - `intitle:"Network Camera NetworkCamera"`: Scout for network cameras.

7. **Authentication-Related Dorks:**

    - `intitle:"Login" inurl:/admin`: Discover potential admin login pages.
    - `intitle:"Login" inurl:/login`: Identify potential login pages.
    - `inurl:"/admin/login.php"`: Scout for admin login pages.

8. **Exposed Control Panels:**

    - `intitle:"Control Panel" inurl:/admin`: Unveil control panels.
    - `intitle:"Control Panel" inurl:/cpanel`: Identify cPanel installations.

9. **Exposed IoT Devices:**

    - `intitle:"Smart TV" inurl:/cgi-bin/login`: Explore smart TV login pages.
    - `intitle:"Router Login" inurl:/login`: Identify router login pages.

10. **Finding PHP Info Pages:**

    - `intitle:"PHP Version" intext:"PHP Version"`: Discover PHP info pages.

11. **Exposing Sensitive Files on Government Sites:**

    - `site:gov inurl:*.doc | inurl:*.pdf | inurl:*.xls | inurl:*.ppt | inurl:*.rtf | inurl:*.ps`: Scout for potentially exposed files on government sites.

12. **Exposed Network Devices:**

    - `intitle:"Brother" intext:"View Configuration"`: Identify Brother network devices.
    - `intitle:"Network Print Server" filetype:html`: Discover network print servers.
    - `intitle:"HP LaserJet" inurl:SSI/index.htm`: Unveil HP LaserJet printers.

13. **File Upload Vulnerabilities:**

    - `inurl:/uploadfile/ filetype:php`: Scout for potential file upload vulnerabilities.
    - `intext:"File Upload" inurl:/php/`: Identify potential file upload pages.

There you have it – 40 Google Dorks to elevate your cybersecurity exploration. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. As ethical hackers, it's our duty to use these tools responsibly, with proper authorization and for educational purposes only. Let's continue to expand our knowledge, enhance our skills, and safeguard the digital realm together.

Happy Dorking!

Contact: princejain.public@gmail.com 
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/princejain281?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=android_app

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